Sunday, June 24, 2007

Homeowners Insurance Premiums -- Stop The Bleeding

Pare down those home insurance rates today!

One of the signifigant costs of home ownership is homeowners insurance, though many of us don't even really spend a lot of time thinking about it. If you have a mortgage, your lender probably requires you to carry homeowners insurance. Even if your home is free and clear, you will probably be prudent to carry a homeowners insurance policy to protect your house and property against theft, accidents, or damage. Consider how you would pay for damage caused by a storm or theft, or consider how you would defend yourself if somebody is injured on your property and claim it is your fault.

Shop Around!

Your premiums are affected by where you live, your claim history, and even your credit report. A past claim or credit problem should not affect your rates forever! Also, you may be entitled to a discount because of safety protection you have installed, a professional or association membership, or by using the same company for your car and home insurance!

On line insurance quoting systems make it very easy to compare rates available in your neighborhood.

Consider the Deductible

If your deductible is $250, you may save over 20 percent by raising it to $1,000. If you could afford $1,000 if you do have a claim, consider a higher deductible policy. If your homeowners insurance is $150 a month right now, then you can save the extra $750 over the course of a couple of years.

If you are shopping for a new home, consider the cost of homeowners insurance when you are estimating your total costs.

Compare Home Insurance Online Here!

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