Sunday, February 24, 2008

Decreasing Term Life Insurance for Mortgage and Life Coverage

Decreasing Term Life Insurance for mortgages is used because the face value of coverage goes down as the mortgage balance declines. Consider a $100,000 mortgage. A consumer might select a $100,000 face value term policy with a decreasing term.

The premiums will be cheaper on decreasing term life insurance than on level term because the insurance company is not risking the whole amount of the face value for the whole time. Many people choose this for mortgage life insurance or for insurance when they will have declining needs over time.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Student Driver Car Insurance and Your Young Driver

We found a good page with tips on finding affordable car insurance for young drivers. Younger drivers will almost always be very expensive to insure for two reasons.

First, car insurance companies use their statistics on drivers by age group to demonstrate that age group just tends to make more accident claims. The problem is especially acute with boys.

Second, your young driver has no driving history of their own to refute the car insurance company statistics.

However, you can do a couple of things to help reduce the costs. Good students will get a discount with many insurers, so try to encourage your kid to keep up a B average. Just like car insurance companies find that young drivers are higher risk, they also admit that kids with better grades tend to make less claims then their less studious peers. If that is because they are home studying, or just more careful, is open to debate, but look for good student car insurance discounts.

Also ask about accredited driving courses. The completion of a course like this often earns a discount too. So if you add in both discounts, you can pare some of the premiums down. And of course, the type of car is taken into account, so consider a cheaper car to insure too.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Small Business Health Insurance

Small Business Health Insurance Options
By Marilyn Katz

Health insurance ranks very high on most people's list when they are seeking a job. By offering health insurance you can attract the highest quality employees to your business. Don't think you have to offer the traditional health insurance option though. Even the large companies are finding it too expensive to offer that sort of plan these days. Instead, most small businesses offer one (or more) of three different plans: HMO, PPO, and POS.

Health maintenance organizations (HMO): An HMO consists of a network of doctors and hospitals. While the least expensive, it also has the least flexibility for your employees. The basic premise is participants choose a primary care physician (PCP) and then get referrals to other specialists.

Preferred provider organizations (PPO): This is the most frequently chosen option by small businesses owners. A PPO consists of doctors and hospitals willing to offer care to members at a lower cost. It's a little more costly to you but provides far more flexibility than the HMO. Your employees select health care professionals associated with the PPO and then pay a low deductible and very low (if any) co-insurance (the amount they have to pay after the deductible is satisfied).

Point of service (POS): A POS plan offers the benefits found both in HMOs and PPOs. Your employees still need to select a Primary Care Physician and get referrals to other physicians, but you can go outside the network without a referral and get most of your expenses reimbursed. POS plans are the most expensive of the three; both for you and your employees i.e. your employees have higher deductibles and co-insurance payments.

Small-group insurance generally applies to companies with as many as 100 employees, but the majority of companies seeking this type of insurance have two to 50 employees. In this market, health insurance prices have traditionally been based on two factors:

  • Estimated cost of medical services in a given geographic area

  • Estimated utilization of services

Cost projections are about the same across the country. But projected utilization of services is where you are going to have the most variation in cost. Insurance companies base their estimation of utilization of services probability on a variety of factors' ranging from the medical history of your employees and their dependents to age and gender. If you have someone on your staff that is considered high risk the whole group (you and your employees) is going to have to pay a higher premium. In larger corporations these people's high maintenance costs are averaged out by the large number of low risk employees. For insurance companies there is safety in numbers.

Very small companies can suffer from high premiums if one employee has a serious illness because they just do not have enough people to spread the risk around. However, a group medical plan is a benefit that attracks and retains quality employees. It is a tough problem these days.

We would like to help you find the best medical plan for your family or business. Visit us to Compare Health Insurance Plans that fit your needs.

We can also help with small business group health insurance choices.

Article Source:

Friday, February 15, 2008

Cheaper Women's Car Insurance

Why is women's car insurance Cheapers?

I found an interesting post on why women's car insurance is cheaper. Major car insurance companies keep statistics. The big guys like Progressive, Essurance, and Farmers use these statistics when they calculate rates. I think we can all see examples of women being more cautious drivers. But also, to be fair, women just do not tend to drive as much. When a couple is in a car, especially for a long car trip, the man tends to drive more.

So all jokes about women drivers aside, women do tend to get cheaper car insurance rates.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Senior Life Insurance

Life Insurance For Seniors - Guaranteed Vs Simplified Life Insurance For Final Expense And Estates
By Marilyn Katz

If you are over 50, or if you care for an elderly person, you have probably noticed ads for senior life insurance policies. Sometimes these are called guaranteed issue life or simplified issue. Sometimes the products are called final expense or burial policies, or sometimes they are marketed as a way to pass on a tax free estate to survivors. No matter what term is used, these are probably talking about a small face value whole life insurance policy. They are designed to be easy for older people, or people that are not in perfect health,to be able to apply for. By small face value, I mean that they usually provide coverage for $2,500 to $25,000.

A guaranteed issue life insurance policy sounds attractive, and for some people it can be the right choice. Basically, the company uses a waiting period instead of health questions in order to issue the policy. The insured person usually has to survive for a term of two or three years, depending upon the policy. If the person survives that period, then their heirs are entitled to the entire face value of the policy. If not, the beneficiaries will get back the premiums paid plus a set interest rate. If an older person, or a person in imperfect health, cannot be accepted by any other insurance policy, and if they feel they need life insurance, then this is certainly a no-lose contract.

However, guaranteed policies will be the most expensive per every thousand dollars of benefit. The small face value is what makes them affordable. On the other hand, simplified issue life insurance will pay an immediate death benefit. As soon as the policy is issued, the insured person is covered for the whole amount. Premiums will usually be cheaper too.

You will have to answer health questions, but they are not as intrusive as fully underwritten policies. In general, people within the age limits, who have not been diagnosed with a terminal disease and who do not live in a nursing home can qualify.It would be better to have a contract with an immediate death benefit, and with a cheaper premium, if you can qualify for it!

Now consider the reason you might purchase senior life insurance, either for yourself or for aging family members. If you are not clear how funeral expenses would get paid if a person passes away, then a few thousand dollars of coverage may be an affordable way to plan for final expenses. Money can also be used to travel, transporting a body, and to settle debts. Leftover money from the policy can be kept as an inheritance by the beneficiaries. Most of the time, the payout will not be taxed either.

Sometimes people buy these type of policies to make things fair between multiple siblings. Consider an elderly parent with two children. Let us say, for example, that one of the children will inherit a valuable family heirloom. The other child will be names as a beneficiary on a policy so they may have cash instead. In this way, a parent can try to be fair to both children.

Compare no medical exam life insurance for seniors with our fast, safe, and free online quote form! Also read more about guaranteed issue and simplified issue life insurance choices.

Article Source:

Green Cars are Safe To Insure

The safest cars to drive may also be green cars! And of course, car safety is big factor in finding cheaper car insurance. So, if green cars are safer, and the cheapest cars to insure, why not run out and buy a new ride?

Well, ok. You may not be in a position to run out and buy a car right now. I can understand that. A new car loan or spending $40,000 on a hybrid may not be in your short term plans. You do have other incentives than just fuel savings, though. But if energy tax credits and all cannot push you to the dealer's lot, you may still have an option!

Save money on gas and help the envronment with devices that can be installed on the older model that is parked outside right now. This device gives you cheaper gasoline prices for going green!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Women Need Life Insurance

Life Insurance For Women!

I found a great post on one of my favorite blogs - Woman Work - which talked about a woman's need for life insurance. Women's rates are usually cheaper than men's rates for comparable applicants and policies. That is because statistics tell life insurane companies that women live longer.

Women are Worth A Lot, But Cheap To Insure!

Even if a woman does not work outside the home, her contribution to her family is invaluable. How else can a family find a therapist, driver, housekeeper, cook, and somebody to love them? How much would that cost? Be sure and look into affordable life insurance for women!

Over 50s Life Insurance for Seniors Estate Planning and Final Expense

You see many ads about life insurance for senior citizens and some of them promise guaranteed issue life insurance.

Guaranteed life insurance may be a good solution for people with health problems that will not allow them to qualify for other health insurance. However, senior life insurance policies have been designed to accept most people, so make sure you have exhausted other options first. For one things, the premiums will be more expensive for every $1,000 of coverage, and the death benefit will not be immediate. Other senior life insurance policies called simplified issue will have an immediate death benefit and be less expensive!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Health Insurance With High Blood Pressure

Health Insurance Rate Ups For High Blood Pressue

One of the things you are always rated up on i.e. charged more than the standard rate when it comes to health insurance and life insurance is high blood pressure. Insurers combine this number with your age, gender, weight and lifestyle to determine your monthly premium. So if you want to lower your cost for life and health insurance – lower your blood pressure.

Note: In general, health insurance companies may want you to demonstrate normal blood pressure ratings for six months before they will consider you for a standard or "controlled" rate and acceptance.

Sometimes you have no choice but to take medication, but there are other lifestyle changes which may help. Even if you end up having to take medication you may still qualify for the better rates. Term life insurance companies are more interested in your actual levels when you apply for coverage than how you manage them. So you can see it is in your best interest to get your blood pressure down either through medication or lifestyle changes. In general, a blood pressure level of 140 over 90 is considered to be high meaning you have what is called hypertension. In the world of underwriting (how insurers figure out rates) having high blood pressure alone does not affect your rates. When your high blood pressure is combined with such factors as obesity, smoking and high cholesterol your rates will go up.

So first let’s get a basic understanding of blood pressure. It has two parts:

Systolic pressure is the top number which represents the pressure the heart generates to pump blood to the rest of the body.

Diastolic pressure is the bottom number which refers to the pressure in the blood vessels between heartbeats.

Normal blood pressure is generally defined as systolic pressure of less than 120 and diastolic blood pressure of less than 80. If you have systolic blood pressure between 140-159 or diastolic blood pressure between 90-99 you are considered Stage 1 hypertensive. If you have systolic blood pressure greater than 160 or diastolic pressure greater than 100 you are considered Stage 2 hypertensive.

Here are the common recommendations for preventing and lowering high blood pressure:

- Get regular aerobic exercise.

- Restrict you intake of salt and alcohol

- Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetable and low in saturated fats.

-Stop smoking.

-Maintain a good body weight.

All these recommendations (with the exception of quiting smoking) will also help you lose weight. If you shed pounds you make also to be able to gain dollars from the savings on your insurance rates.

Get help with High Risk Health Insurance and Health Insurance for Pre Existing Conditions.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Simplified Issue Life Insurance vs Guaranteed Issue Life

We see a lot of ads now for guaranteed life insurance for seniors and simplified issue whole life insurance policies. These are usually marketed to senior citizens or people without perfect health, and sometimes they are sold as burial insurance policies.

The difference between these policies is this. Simplified issue life insurance requires some health questions to be answered to qualify, but most people who are not terminally ill or in a nursing home will get a policy. The death benefit is immediate as soon as the policy is issued. On the other hand, guaranteed issue life insurance does not require health questions, but uses a waiting period to qualify people.

Before you buy life insurance, be sure and compare guaranteed or simplified life insurance so you get the right plan for you or your loved one.