Monday, November 06, 2006

Why annuities

So what's the big annuity buzz?

Consider your savings goals. Most of us want high gains and low risks, right? Well, CD from a bank are great for safety. The problem is, your gains are generally low. You also get a tax bill on your gains every year, further reducing your profit.

Investing in stocks and mutual funds is risky. Stocks go up, and stocks go down. Generally, over time, an index like the S&P goes up - but down years abound, and for those of us who invested around the year 2000, it was bleak.

Consider an annuity product. Money grows tax deferred. These products can be tax qualified or not tax qualified. The products can be tied to the stock market with the added bonus of guaranteeing a minimum return, even in down years. During good times, you get high returns, and during bad times you don't lose money and even make a little!

I plan on adding an annuity page here:
Texas Insurance Online

If you are in Texas, you can find contact info here.

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