Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Retirement Planning - Will you need to work during 'retirement'?

Millions of Americans, who were going to retire, are finding that they will still need to work to supplement their income. Was that your vision of retirement? According to a Trimvent Survey, 25% said they had saved nothing for retirment years.

This article made the front page of Yahoo, so here's the link.

It's never to early to start saving for retirment. With inflation, it's hard to say how much money would be enough as life spans are increasing. If you are nearing retirement, already there, or still have decades to go, I urge you to take a free look at the retirement calcuators and resources at Retire RX.

Annuities are one way to save for retirement. They offer tax deferred growth, and some types can actually use pre-tax money for the investment. This gives you more principle to begin earning on. Fixed and Indexed annuities also offer a guarantee on your earnings, so while you will be earning market rates, you will not have to suffer a down year if the market turns. You may find that an annuity is an attractive alternative to a bank CD or mutual fund or stock.

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