Monday, December 05, 2005

Online Quotes or Not to Online Quote

Hi. Sorry Thanksgiving seemed to take a toll, but I'm back to work now.

I don't know why everybody doesn't do a little insurance shopping online. Even if you prefer to talk to an agent, it doesn't hurt to do some homework before you set an appointment. That way, you can have a good idea what product you are most interested in, and a good idea what your budget will allow.

If you're looking for health insurance, short term medical, student medical, life, auto, long term care, or homeowners insurance, a great place to start is:

The agent is licensed in Texas so some resources are specific to that state, but all types of insurance can be quoted there. Some products can even be purchased online. Saves one the trouble of an appointment with a GASP insurance salesman, doesn't it?
Hope you had a great turkey day!

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