Friday, October 21, 2005

Why Go Online?

You know why you want to use an online service to compare insurance rates, rather than meeting with an agent. Of course, being an agent, I know that my professional knowledge, certification classes, and industry updates can give me knowledge to HELP PEOPLE. Really....

However, I also know the other side of the coin. Some insurance salesmen and women can make used car salesmen look inhibited. It's less stressful to just look info up online in the privacy of your own home.

You can also access the internet 24/7, where most agencies have office hours. You may get an agent to visit you in the evening, but not many will venture out in the wee hours of the morning.

You also have the privacy issue going on. If you are applying for health and life insurance, you may not want to discuss health issues with a stranger. Some health and life policies can be applied for online from the quote, policy selection process right down to printing off a policy.

You may not want to admit how little of your budget you can set aside for insurance to another person. It's a little easier to just select rates from a computer.

Anyway, I understand why online quoting is popular. GO for it!

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