Sunday, February 04, 2007

Bush Plan May signal the end of Employer Based Health Insurance!

Wow, the Chicago Tribute thinks the new Bush Plan may signal the end of employer based health insurance. Well, you know I disagree with Bush the second on so many things, but for once, I see his point - and I'm sure it's an unpopular one. How come you have to do this to me just when I'm all set to start shouting HILLARY!


Points to Ponder that are bound to be unpopular, but I sort of get them....

First, he'd eliminate the tax breaks for health insurance and treat it like any other form of compensation. That would make consumers more sensitive to costs, his advisers said.

Second, the president would create a tax deduction for health insurance, similar to the existing deduction for having a child. Families would get a deduction of $15,000 beginning in 2009; individuals would could deduct $7,500. Annual increases would be tied to inflation.

Consumers would get the full value of the deduction, no matter how much they actually spent. Spending in excess of the deduction's amount would be taxed as ordinary compensation.

Comments? Hate it? Love it? Do you at least GET that we need to make employees aware of what a benefit they are getting in health insurance? I do.

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