Sunday, April 16, 2006

Pregnant with No Insurance?

Most states don't have a lot of choices (make that zilch) for pregnant women who need individual health plans with maternity coverage. Any maternity coverage available in individual health plans generally has long waiting periods, and doesn't come close to meeting the costs of care.

A possible solution lies with consumer driven health plans like the maternity card. Having a maternity card negotiater work on your health plan, and using contracted rates will often save thousands of dollars...even up to 65 percent. These plans are not insurance, but access to pre-negotiated rates that are shockingly lower than what uninsured consumers are paying.

Get more information on one of the most popular plans, Maternity Card, here: CLICK HERE TO LOOK AT MATERNITY CARD.

If you are low income, check with your local Medicaid office. They are often very leniant when dealing with pregnant women.

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