Sunday, February 11, 2007

Compare Term Life Insurance Rates

We noticed dramtic differences in the term life insurance rates for the top 10 US companies. The same 45 year old, non-smoking man in fairly good health could find rate quotes that varied by $300 a year. These are for the same man, and from the top 10 largest companies. Over the course of paying for a 20 year term life insurance policy, he would have a $6,000 difference.

All we are are saying, is that it makes sense to do some homework before you commit to a long term life insurance policy for yourself, or for your family. If you have an isurance agent you like and trust, it may be worth a couple of bucks more to do business with him or her. However, I really don't know many people I like six thousand bucks worth!

Before you sign a contract, you really don't have anyting to lose if you do an online quote. You can get a free, online rate quote in about five minutes. Make sure the quoting system has a privacy policy, is on a secure server, and it's a good sign if they participate in the Better Business Bureau online system or some similar watchdog service.

If you'd like more information on the Top 10 Term Life Insurance Company Rate Quotes, or if you'd just like a free, no-obligation quote, or if you'd like instant term life insurance, stop by 24/7 Quote Us Term Life Information and Quotes!

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